Remove All Doubt.

 “Long-range planning does not deal with future decisions, but with the future of present decisions.”

– Peter Drucker

Knowledge and expertise that provide the strongest foundation for success.

As owner’s engineers specializing in sour gas treating, sulphur recovery, forming and handling, we know this can be a challenging, highly-specialized industry to navigate on your own. That’s why, when it comes to sulphur management, whatever your question or objective, technical or commercial, we are here to help you succeed. We primarily help:

  • Project developers establish overall sulphur management strategies

  • Project execution teams with technology selection, optimization and implementation

  • Plant operators network with industry peers and experts to achieve world-class performance


Contact Us

2020 W 49th Street
Westwood Hills, KS +1 (913) 526-0007

 Unrivaled experience that spans technologies, geographies and business objectives, over two decades.

Areas of Practice

Acid Gas Removal


Whether it’s generic or formulated amines, hybrid or physical solvents, we can help you select the most beneficial option, for a new or existing facility, through comprehensive lifecycle cost analyses.

Sulphur Recovery


We can help you determine the most practical and effective means of tackling sulphur plant challenges to address capacity, recovery efficiency, contaminant destruction and operating flexibility requirements.

Tail Gas Treating


The goal of tail gas treating is to avoid exceeding the SO2 emission regulation while also minimizing lifecycle cost and overall environmental impact. We can help you select, implement and/or operate the most cost-effective option that will allow operation safely inside permit limits.

Sulphur Degassing


We have experience with all types of sulphur degassing processes and technologies including in-pit, external and elevated pressure systems, and can help you determine the right choice based on process performance, off-gas disposal requirements, plot constraints and cost.

Sulphur Forming & Handling


We can help you select and implement proper forming, handling and transportation design elements, throughout every step of the value chain, ensuring that premium product is generated by the producer and safely arrives in the end user’s custody without safety or quality concerns such acidification or excessive dust formation.

Sour Water Stripping


Although sour water stripping is primarily an open-art endeavor, experience and know-how are essential to ensure robust operation and long plant life.  Our experience will provide you with the tools you need to manage sour water streams in safely and effectively.   

Get in Touch

Whether you are in the beginning stages of planning a new project, in the midst of project execution, or operating an existing facility, we would love to hear what’s on your mind.